

Hi guys! Long time no write or read. Work is kicking my ass. I'll be back soon, I promise!

I looked at my Google Reader yesterday for the first time in weeks and did you know that once the amount of blogs unread reach more than 1,000 that it stops counting them? All it says is 1,000+. Which is SCARY. What the hell are you people writing about?

In other news, I have an ovarian cyst. It's having a party down in my lower half and it's pissing me off. In the last 2 days I've resorting to walking like a little old lady because it hurts so bad and I can't sleep worth shit. I go back today to see if the thing is getting larger and growing it's own cyst babies or not. Boo for lady parts, they suck sometimes.

Hope everyone is well and writing lots of fun stuff for me to read after April 15th. Back to work I go. Blah!


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I have the same pile of work waiting. But I lack the discipline to stay away from the Google Reader.

moo said...

hell man, if my google reader got up to 1,000+, I would just mark all as read and start over, la di da, no you didn't just see me do that! ;)

Anonymous said...

I would hit "All Read" too--that's just insane. How would you EVER get through all of those?

I miss you! Do you have any time to spare this weekend?

Michelle and the City said...

mine said 1000+ for a few weeks and i finally marked all as read. except for my favorites folder of course :)

Jess said...

I had no idea that it said 1000+ and I hope I never find that out firsthand, because GEEZ.

Sorry about your cyst! I hope that you're able to do something about it soon.

Le Petit Chic said...

I hear ya, girl! Mine is up around 650 right now. I never realized I did so much blog reading and writing at work until I got so busy!!

Anonymous said...

I guess we are just some writing crazies, huh? I'm pretty sure I am like 3 of those 1000+ you have, so no worries! I'll just make you feel better and tell you my shit's been boring. Did that make you feel better?? :)
I'm sorry about your cyst. Good luck...please take care of it! Life's too short!!!
Good luck with work....

Moll said...

I think when the google reader hits 1000 - you need to just start over. Start Fresh!

Sorry about your lady parts

Anonymous said...

*HUG* sorry honey! I hope you feel better.